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In-School Programs

Designed to inspire and inform educators while educating and supporting students, "The Peacemakers Program©" designed by Anne Finlayoffers Professional Development modules for teachers along with programming tailored to students' developmental ages and stages.

Anne works with both elementary and high schools to custom design programs to bring mindfulness and stress reduction education and programming to meet the specific needs of the age and developmental stage of students.  The Peacemakers Program, is a program offering valuable modules on stress reduction and building resilience aimed at both students and teachers. Within this program, Anne has delivered professional development presentations on the neuroscience of stress, mindfulness strategies for the classroom, the importance of self care for teachers, along with helpful strategies to increase student self regulation and well being.


The Peacemakers Program© 

A peaceful planet is made up of peaceful people. How do we cultivate this peaceful state within ourselves and our children? While stress is a necessary part of development and learning, it has become clear that young people face more stress than ever before. Peacemakers is designed to be an experiential learning program that introduces strategies for stress management, emotional resiliency and healthy body awareness, increasing feelings of well-being, empathy and peace.



Working from a psycho-educational perspective The Peacemakers Program aims to provide students with a well-rounded and developmentally appropriate introduction to: stress and stress management, greater understanding of their brains and bodies, an introduction to mindfulness and increased emotional literacy.


Topics for students include:

  • Identifying stressors and how they impact us and others.

  • Understanding how stress manifests in the brain/body.

  • Using the breath as a way to manage stress and cultivate calm.

  • Practicing yoga to release tension, increase flexibility and body awareness.

  • Increasing resiliency and self-respect through better understanding of how to process difficult emotions.

Topics for educators include:

  • Managing your own stress: Yoga and mindfulness sessions for teachers:

  • Understanding the neuroscience of stress as well as the benefits of mindfulness & stress reduction on the brain and on learning

  • Techniques to help foster coping, stress management and self regulation skills in students

  • Strategies to promote student problem solving, address fears and worries and promote empathy 

With the Psychology Foundation of Canada, Anne Finlay is a contributor and reviewer of: "Stress Lessons: From Stressed Out to Chilled Out. Program for Grade 7-9 Classrooms." 

The aim of this resource is to help educators create teachable moments to introduce stress-management strategies and skills and build emotional resiliency in their students and themselves. 

Click image for more information.

With the Mount Sinai Psychotherapy Institute, Anne has completed Mindfulness-Based Group Practice Training.

 Through the Mindfulness Clinic in Toronto, Anne has completed a program in MCBT, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 

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