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Anne is a registered psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario and a certified counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association with over 20 years of experience  She received training as a  Mindfulness practitioner, group leader and educator with the Psychotherapy Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital and the Mindfulness Clinic in Toronto, Ontario.


Anne has worked with both elementary and high schools to custom design programs to bring mindfulness and stress reduction education and programming to meet the specific needs of the age and developmental stage of students. She has designed the Peace Makers Program, a program offering valuable modules on stress reduction and building resilience aimed at both students and teachers. Anne has delivered professional development presentations on the neuroscience of stress, mindfulness strategies for the classroom, along with helpful strategies to increase student self regulation and manage teachers' stress levels. 


Anne is also a registered Yoga teacher and member of Yoga Alliance. She has advanced training in Ayurveda and Qi gong and Qi Yoga, blending Hatha Yoga with the principles of 5 element theory Qigong.


Anne is accepting clients into her psychotherapy practice and students into her qigong and yoga classes. 


Please contact her for more information:



Thank you.


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